Destiny PC Release Not Coming? “Painful” for The Gamers, Created Online Petition

Destiny was revealed during the E3 2013 event last week, but unfortunately, there was no announcement that it will come to PC.

Everyone seems to be excited with a new offering from Bungie called Destiny. Destiny release date for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 has already been confirmed but a Destiny PC release is not part of the schedule yet.

According to a report from GameSpot, the writer and designer of the game, Jason Staten, is acknowledging that this sad news is really 'painful' for some gamers. Staten said to GameSpot, "Well, I can't talk about it. I mean, obviously we'd love to be on as many platforms as possible. We want to get the game into as many hands as we can. But we're not talking about PC right now. I know it's painful; every time someone asks me that question I can see it in their eyes."

This news really disappointed some fans, taking to Twitter what they feel about Destiny not coming to PC. Some felt annoyed and angry about it.

Grizzly from Twitter (@Grizzom) commented, "Seriously pissed about destiny and gta5 not coming to pc the same time they do for consoles"

But some gamers are still hopeful and positive that there will be a Destiny PC release.

RodyyGaming (@RodyyGaming) tweeted, "I really hope that Destiny comes to pc...

There are even fans who create a petition in Change.Org just to let Bungie know that gamers are really serious in wanting a Destiny PC release.

Destiny and Halo (@MoreConsole) from Twitter included a petition link in his tweet, "A petition to get Destiny released on the PC. RT if you support this: ..."


The online petition created was already signed by 250,000 people who are interested to have a Destiny PC release.


But even though this news about the shared world online gamae Destiny not having a PC release is spreading online, Bungie did make a comment last month about the possibility that there can still be a Destiny PC release stating, "We haven't said yes, and we haven't said no."

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