Playstation 4 Release Date Rumors: PS4 Architect Bashes Xbox One On Jimmy Fallon Show Over Price, Specs [WATCH VIDEO]

Sony and Microsoft are continuing to clobber each other over their newest consoles, the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

Sony architect Mark Cerny bashed Xbox One on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on Tuesday, pointing out specs the PS4 has that Microsoft's new console doesn't have.

Fallon began his segment saying "The big story that everyone's talking about is that this system [the PS4] is the only one where you can still play used games."

Cerny responded saying "We support used games. We don't require an internet connection," taking a stab at Xbox One's policies on sharing used games and requirement to access the internet on a daily basis.

Watch a video of the episode here:

The Xbox One will require a constant internet connection and will need to access Microsoft once daily to determine the amount of games in a user's collection.

The sale and lending of used games for the Xbox One will be allowed, however, they will be restricted to participating retailers and will only be available to those who have been on the user's Xbox Live friends list for over a month.

While the PS4 has enjoyed a stream of positive publicity for its price and specs compared to the Xbox one, both consoles have been rumored to run game developers a large bill.

Activision, Unisoft and EA spokespeople all declined to comment on next-generation game pricing remaining the same for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One after Microsoft and Sony announced they weren't raising the prices of their video games despite the rising cost of development for the new consoles.

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