UK Politician Believes He Fathered An Alien Child By Having Sex With Extraterrestrial Queen [VIDEO]

UK politician and city council member Simon Parkes caused controversy by admitting to having sex with an alien and even fathering a child with said extraterrestrial.

During a TV documentary, Parkes claimed he had sexual relations with an alien he called the Cat Queen, and proceeded to father a child with her.

"What will happen is that we will hold hands and I will say 'I'm ready' and then the technology I don't understand will take us up to a craft orbiting the Earth," said Parkes according to FOX News.

The 53-year-old is also a father-of-three and married, and his wife allegedly wasn't thrilled about his confession.

"That caused a few problems. But it is not on a human level, so I don't see it as wrong."

The extended interview is conducted with the Anomalous Mind Management Abductee Contactee Helpline (AMMACH), a support group based in Britain set up to help those who have had close encounters with aliens.

According The Mirror, the group often gets up to five calls a week and 25 emails.

"Many people experience ridicule, vilification, isolation besides what they're going through," said co-founder Joanne Summerscales.

"We offer non-judgmental interviews and an opportunity to talk about it."

Parkes evidently partnered with AMMACH for the interview and claimed to have been in contact with the extraterrestrial beings he calls the Mantis, Greys, and Reptilians.

In addition, he believes his "real mom" is a 9-foot alien with eight fingers, and he has affectionately named his alien son Zarka.

Check out the interview below:

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