Sarah Palin Calls GOP Members Wusses For Their Wobbly Stance: Former Alaska Governor Says Congress Should Be On Ted ‘Cruz Control’

Despite Sarah Palin calling GOP members "wusses" for their "wobbly" stance on conservative principles in the fiscal cliff debates last December, the former Alaska governor believes Congress should be on Ted "Cruz control."

Sarah Palin told a group of evangelical conservatives at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference last weekend that Congress should be on "cruise control," meaning "Ted Cruz control," according to USA Today.

The Tea Party leader also appeared on Fox News on Monday - returning as a contributor months after she had a falling out with the television network - praising Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and his views on the American economy.

"Let someone like a Sen. Cruz have some say in these policies and in this debate," Palin told Fox News during an interview with Ted Cruz.

"Don't stifle his voice ... let him speak."

Although Sarah Palin was heavily criticized by Democrats and even her own Republican party during the fiscal cliff negotiations for her blunt criticism of what she believed were shortcomings in the economy, she isn't the only Tea Party black sheep.

Ted Cruz has also captured the attention of Democrats and Republicans for his controversial remarks on the economy and national security, promoting limited government intervention and supporting harsh sanctions against rogue countries around the world.

Palin endorsed the Cuban-American politician in the Republican primary for Senate. 

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