'Star Wars: Episode VII' Casting Call Leak Reveals A Female Lead?

The casting directors for Disney's "Star Wars: Episode VII" have sent casting calls to agents, revealing the first clues as to what's happening in the latest installment in the franchise, directed by J.J. Abrams and written by Michael Arndt.

Rumors have circulated that "Episode VII" could feature a female lead, Deadline.com reports. The casting breakdown could support this theory. HollywoodReporter.com notes that the casting call requests a pair of teenage girls, and a "military type" male.

Deadline.com posted the following breakdown, via Schmoesknow:

"A young man aged between 20 and 25, witty and smart, fit but not classically handsome,

Man in late twenties, also fit, but this one is handsome and confident.

Late teenage girl, independent, good sense of humour, also... physically fit .

Second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and physically fit.

Man in his forties, obviously physically fit, this one is a military type.

A man of around thirty or so, this one is an intellectual type.

Finally, a guy aged around seventy, strong opinions and tough."

According to Bleeding Cool website, casting has already begun in the U.K. on Wednesday.

The only information confirmed by Disney is that the original cast of Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher will return to the "Episode VII" and reprise their original roles as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia, respectively.

Production of the film will start January 2014.

In other Star Wars news, it is being reported that George Lucas has not spoken to Abrams about the next Star Wars film. When George Lucas sold the franchise to Disney, he retained a role as "creative consultant," Entertainment Weekly reports. However, it seems he has not yet had to act upon this role yet.

Access Hollywood asked Lucas at the Daytime Emmy Awards if he had been in contact with Abrams, to which Lucas responded: "I have not spoken to J.J. He's been busy with Star Trek. I'm sure he'll let me know when he's got some questions."

It looks as if Lucas is more than happy to step back and let Abram take the reins.  

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