Hanyang Festival Under Fire For Its Heavy Restriction — 'They Even Tell Us To Throw Our Personal Belongings'

Hanyang University, one of South Korea's esteemed educational institutions, found itself embroiled in a heated debate across Korean community sites following its recent festival.

The event, meant to be a celebration of student culture and community engagement, instead garnered attention for its stringent and controversial restrictions imposed on attendees.

The uproar began when non-university students and members of the general public queued up early in the morning to secure tickets for the festival.

Shockingly, attendees were informed that leaving the line, even for basic necessities such as using the restroom, would result in forfeiture of their position, requiring them to return to the back of the line.

This policy drew swift condemnation, particularly as individuals were allegedly denied even basic accommodations, such as restroom breaks, with reports suggesting that no exceptions were made, not even for individuals menstruating.

As the day progressed, attendees faced further hurdles upon entry, encountering an arduous and intrusive inspection process. Reports surfaced detailing security personnel rifling through pockets, inspecting bags, and confiscating seemingly innocuous items such as sun umbrellas, fans, and non-water beverages.

Hanyang University (Photo : theqoo)

"Wow...I'm entering now and they're touching our pockets and opening up pouches. They're even taking our sun umbrellas and fans. They're making us throw away all drinks if it's not water. They're even opening up unopened water bottles and smelling them to make sure. They won't even let us bring in some pieces of chocolate. How are we supposed to endure the show in the heat with nothing? Why are they going as far as to do this? Is the president coming or something? I'm worried an accident is going to happen."

Attendees expressed frustration and concern over the intensity of the searches, particularly given the scorching heat of the day and the necessity of staying hydrated and cool.

READ MORE: SEVENTEEN Hoshi Comments on 'Bathroom Restrictions' At Hanyang University + School Sparks Outcry Over Rights Violations

The situation took a distressing turn when attendees were instructed to discard personal belongings, including drinks and snacks, before entering the festival grounds.

Hanyang University
(Photo : theqoo)

Hanyang student council, who are they to say they won't throw away the personal belongings left outside only to change their words and throw them away? I went to put my slogan at the inspection station, but now they're throwing them away? I left it there because they told me to pick it up afterwards... 

Despite assurances from the Hanyang student council that these items would be safeguarded for later retrieval, attendees later discovered that their possessions had been summarily discarded.

Social media platforms were flooded with posts expressing outrage and betrayal, with attendees lamenting the loss of cherished belongings and questioning the integrity of the student council's promises.

Twitter Error

In response to mounting criticism, Hanyang University has yet to issue an official statement addressing the controversy.

However, the festival's organizers have faced significant backlash, with many questioning the necessity and justification for such draconian measures.

Concerns have been raised regarding the impact on attendee safety, well-being, and overall enjoyment of the event, prompting calls for accountability and transparency from university officials.

Hanyang University
(Photo : theqoo)

The fallout from the Hanyang University festival serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of balancing security measures with respect for individual rights and dignity.

As discussions surrounding the incident continue to unfold, it remains to be seen whether Hanyang University will take steps to address the grievances of attendees and restore confidence in its future events.

ALSO READ: ITZY's University Festival Performances Create Buzz For THIS Reason

KpopStarz owns this article.
Written by Cassidy Jones. 

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