Lindsay Lohan The Canyons Trailer Release [VIDEO] to Promote New James Deen and LiLo The Canyons Release Date: "Tardiness, Unpredictability, Tauntrums, Absences, Neediness, Psychodrama" Says Director

As the Lindsay Lohan James Deen movie The Canyons release date approaches, we get to see The Canyons Movie Trailer to promote the hype.  Lindsay Lohan is directed by Taxi Driver writer Paul Schrader, and much ink has been spilled over the collaboration.  An article in the New York Times Magazine described Lindsay Lohan and James Deen and the troubles on the set of The Canyons.  This was before Lindsay went to court-ordered rehab.

The Lindsay Lohan James Deen movie The Canyons trailer shows Lindsay and James Deen in provocative positions.  Another trailer was released earlier this year in black and white.  The Canyons will not be released in theaters.  The Canyons will be released on the internet on August 2.

Watch The Lindsay Lohan James Deen movie The Canyons trailer here:

Lindsay Lohan is in rehab at Cliffside Malibu.  She has had many legal troubles recently and has struggled to maintain a movie career at the level of her Parent Trap and Mean Girls stardom.

On his blog Paul Schrader had this to say about working with Lindsay Lohan, and her similarity to Marilyn Monroe, an icon of Lindsay's: "Similarities? Tardiness, unpredictability, tantrums, absences, neediness, psychodrama-yes, all that, but something more, that thing that keeps you watching someone on screen, that thing you can't take your eyes off of, that magic, that mystery. That thing that made John Huston say, I wonder why I put myself through all this, then I go to dailies."

"Monroe and Lohan exist in the space between actors and celebrities, people whose professional and personal performances are more or less indistinguishable. Entertainers understand the distinction. To be successful, a performer controls the balance between the professional and personal, that is, he or she makes it seem like the professional is personal. It is the lack of this control that gives performers like Monroe and Lohan (and others) their unique attraction. We sense that the actress is not performing, that we are watching life itself. We call them "troubled," "tormented," "train wrecks"-but we can't turn away. We can't stop watching. They get under our skin in a way that controlled performers can't."

"I think Lohan has more natural acting talent than Monroe did, but, like Monroe, her weakness is her inability to fake it. She feels she must be experiencing an emotion in order to play it. This leads to all sorts of emotional turmoil, not to mention on-set delays and melodrama. It also leads, when the gods smile, to movie magic. Monroe had the same affliction. They live large, both in life and on screen. This is an essential part of what draws viewers to them."

Lindsay Lohan will be out of rehab for the Canyons release date.  Lindsay Lohan's release date is July 31.  She will have served her 90 days in rehab and will return to the home of her mom and former "momager" Dina Lohan.

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Lindsay Lohan
James Deen
The Canyons
