Suri Cruise Called A "Little Brat", Cursed At By Photographer: Paparazzi Miffed Suri Wouldn't Give Him Attention, Acts Like A Child

 Suri Cruise was called a "little brat" and cursed at by a photographer. Scroll down for video of the Suri Cruise-papparazzi cursing incident.

 A paparazzi was apparently annoyed that Suri Cruise wouldn't bend to his every he called her a "little brat" and a "b**ch".

Katie Holmes was nice to the photographers...but apparently it wasn't enough.

Someone was acting like a child...and it's not Suri.

The paparazzi was annoyed that Suri Cruise wouldn't look at him as mom Katie Holmes escorted Suri and a friend toward their car in NYC. He calls the seven year old a host of names.

Tom Cruise's ex-wife, Katie Holmes, smiles and waves at the photographers but Suri still gets called a "little brat".

"Hold on, she's with a kid," a man's voice says in the video.

"Please Katie, don't ignore your fans," a different man can be heard saying. Then Suri yells, "Stop it!" As she tries to get into the SUV, Suri says "Get out of the way."

"Bye, Suri, you little brat," another male papparazi says.

The first man then calls him on it, saying,"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa what, man?" the curser says.

"When you're a father bro, it's a whole different thing," says the first man. "That's a whole different thing."

"She's a b**ch...a little brat kid," says the other man. "A little brat."

It's not clear if Suri heard or not-but the car door was still open.

See video of the incident below:

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