Jennifer Aniston Wedding Update[VIDEO] Justin Theroux To Marry Brad Pitt Ex In Winter After RUMORS Their Engagement Is Off, Then Back On[REPORT]

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux will finally have a winter wedding...rumors say. There have been so many wedding rumors about the wedding between Jennifer and Justin that we can't keep up. The on-again, off-again wedding will finally take place in winter 2013.

Jennifer Aniston will get her dream wedding in early December. Tough the wedding was called off because Justin didn't want to live in LA and wanted to reside in NY it looks like Theroux have caved in. Jennifer has gotten her way and the winter wedding will be held in California.

A source close to the pair said:

"Jen and Justin have gone back and forth on where to marry and whether to have a destination wedding so many times. Jen has always made it clear LA was her first choice and Justin has compromised and agreed to marry in California. Justin's reservations with LA are well known and he wanted to marry on the East Coast where his friends and much of his family is based, where he proposed to Jen and where he feels most comfortable."

Glad that after months of rumors the couple has finally compromised..well Jen got her way, but that's just details. The pair can afford to fly anyone they want to California from NY and LA in the winter is a lot nicer that slushy snowy wet New York.

Reports had once claimed that the wedding would not happen because Justin is miserable living in Southern California and desperately wants to move back to New York City but Aniston refuses to go. Jennifer even built a guesthouse at her stunning Bel Air mansion for Justin, a place for him to play music, and hang out with his pals, hoping it will ease his New York City blues.

The conflict, says a source, was all about where to live.

"Justin has really tried to like living in Los Angeles, but he just doesn't," the source told Radar. "It's not his vibe, he loves the energy and grittiness of New York City. He actually jokingly complains about the weather in LA, he doesn't think it's natural for it to be sunny year round, and misses having actually seasons. If she won't compromise Jen and Justin won't work."

"Jen is firmly planted in LA, and doesn't like New York City. She felt exposed and hounded by the paps there. She bought several apartments in NYC, hoping to to make it home for the couple, but in the end, her heart just wasn't in it."

 Theroux proposed a bi-coastal living situation, in which they would live half the year in New York City and half in LA, but unfortunately, Aniston wasn't having it.

But I guess Justin lovs Jennifer so much he's willing to wed and live anywhere Aniston wants to go. That's so sweet!


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