Asiana Pilot Names: Local News Station, NTSB Apologize For Airing False, Racist Pilot Names In Crash; Airline Considering Legal Action

Asiana pilot names that were false and racist were used in an on-air broadcast about the Asiana Airlines crash in San Francisco. Scroll down to watch a video of the Asiana pilots names gaffe.

Both the National Transportation Safety Board and KTVU-TV, a Bay Area Fox affiliate TV station, have now both apologized for an on-air blunder by an anchorwoman.

The incident regarded broadcasting incorrect, racially insensitive names of the pilots of Asiana Flight 214, which crashed at San Francisco airport July 6, killing three.

An NTSB intern had confirmed the fake names for the station. Asiana is now considering legal action against both organizations.

During the Friday newscast, anchor Tori Campbell said, "KTVU has just learned the names of the four pilots who were on board" the Asiana flight that crashed.

Campbell then read from a teleprompter the false names:"Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk," and "Bang Ding Ow".

As she read, the names appeared on screen next to a photo of the burned-out cabin.

"We made several mistakes when we received this information," KTVU said in a statement. "KTVU accepts full responsibility for this mistake."

However, the NTSB also had a role. A KTVU called a reporter at the NTSB's public affairs office to verify the names. The person didn't read the names aloud. The person at the NTSB who said they were correct turned out to be a summer intern. The KTVU didn't ask for the identity of the NTSB editor.

"We heard this person verify the information without questioning who they were and then rushed the names on our noon newscast," KTVU's statement said.

The NTSB also apologized, saying,  "A summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew on the aircraft. The NTSB does not release or confirm the names of crew members or people involved in transportation accidents to the media. We work hard to ensure that only appropriate factual information regarding an investigation is released and deeply regret today's incident. Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such a serious error is not repeated."

The incident was so offensive and insensitive to those killed that Asiana may be weighing legal action. "The reputation of the four pilots and of the company had been seriously damaged by this report," the airline said in a statement. "The company is reviewing taking legal action against both KTVU-TV and the NTSB."

Although the NTSB does not release pilots' names during investigations, the pilot's real name has been reported as Lee Kang-kuk.

Asian-American groups also protested over the "joke".. "Words cannot adequately express the outrage we ... feel over KTVU's on-air blunder that made a mockery of the Asiana Airlines tragedy," wrote Asian American Journalists Association President Paul Cheung and MediaWatch Chair Bobby Caina Calvan,

"We are embarrassed for the anchor, who was as much a victim as KTVU's viewers and KTVU's hard-working staff," they added.

Watch the video of the incident below:

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