Casey Anthony PREGNANT![VIDEO REPORT] Protestors Shout That Mother Murderer CAN'T Have Another Child Post Trial[CASEY'S VIDEO DIARY]

Casey Anthony may be pregnant again. Anthony, the former murder suspect acquitted of her daughter Caylee's murder has rumors buzzing online that she is pregnant with another child.

According to The National Enquirer, multiple sources confirm Casey Anthony is indeed Pregnant. If pregnant, the mother of a deceased child may have another shot at proving she is a good mother. But protestors don;t want her to have that opportunity and say if she is pregnant, Casey should give the child away. And who is the father?

After declaring bankruptcy, Casey claims the father is a wealthy man who will fix her financial problems, and support her while she is pregnant.

A source close to Casey told the Inquirer, "She just said that she fell in love with a very wealthy man while she's been in hiding. Casey said he's taking care of her financially and he's so obsessed with her that he'll do anything for her."

"Her eyes lit up when she told me that she was expecting, but she wouldn't tell me who the baby's father is," adds another insider, admittedly for the same tab.

The source claims Casey is bragging to close friends that she is more than a month pregnant

Casey Anthony recently declared bankruptcy, claiming she was $792,000 in debt with less than $1,000 in assets. Casey Anthony's parents allegedly recently sold Caylee Anthony's toys at a garage sale, so Casey Anthony will have to find the money for new toys somewhere. 

The murder suspect has received money from strangers but has not received any coin from TV or book deals.  An unnamed source tells The National Enquirer:

According to the National Enquirer, a group of concerned citizens have created a petition to force sterilize Casey Anthony and should she have another baby, they will apparently argue that the child should be turned over to social services. Neither the name of the group- nor the names of any participants- were not listed in the article.

If she continues to keep the identity of her partner a secret, it will be the second time that the identity of her child's father is kept a secret, though she apparently does know the man in this case.

The Casey Anthony murder trial gripped the nation and many became obsessed with the tragic story.  Many shocking revelations came out about Casey Anthony during the trial.  A psychiatrist reported that Casey was impregnated when she was passed out at a party at the age of 18-years-old and discovered a while later that she was with child.

Web searches related to chloroform were discovered on Casey Anthony's computer after the verdict.  She also made conflicting claims about her missing daughter thoroughout the trial.  Casey's mother Cindy Anthony said Casey had given varied explanations as to Caylee's whereabouts before finally telling her that she had not seen Caylee for weeks.  Casey told detectives several false statements, including that Caylee had been kidnapped by a nanny on June 9.

Caylee Anthony's skeletal remains were found with a blanket inside a trash bag in a wooded area near the family home on December 11 2008.

Casey Anthony's murder trial Judge Belvin Perry Jr. said this of Casey:

"Justice has been served in the sense that the jury has spoken but justice will finally be served one day by the Judge of judges.  And she's going to live, deal with this for the rest of her life."

When asked about what he felt when the verdict was read he said he felt "surprise, shock, and disbelief." He claims he had to read the outcome twice, "just to be sure I was sure of what I was reading," the judge said.

The judge called claims Anthony "two faced" and "manipulative."  He claims there was the side of Casey that was for the public and the jury to watch in hopes of gaining sympathy. The other Casey was a spoiled girl that yelled at her lawyers when she didn't get her way.

He remarked that she often screamed at her lawyers from inside her jail cell.  The judge recalls the day Casey's lawyers approached her with a possible plea deal. He said there were "lots of four letter words" being shouted.

How do you feel about Casey Anthony being pregnant again?


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