Dave Matthews Band Tour 2013: Hitchhiking Lead Singer Catches Ride To His Own Gig By A Couple of DMB Fans

On their way to Hershey, Pennsylvania, to partake in the Dave Matthews Band tour, Emily Kraus and her boyfriend happened to pick up a hitchhiking Dave Matthews along the way.

Last Saturday the award-winning musician decided to enjoy a bike ride before the Hershey Park Stadium show when his tired popped out of no where.

Meanwhile, Kraus and her guy had a late start heading to the show. While driving they saw a man wandering on the side of the road. Recognizing the unknown gentleman, the couple pulled over and discovered a stranded Dave Matthews with a broken bike and no means of communication.

"I did not have a cell phone on the bicycle. So I thought, 'Sh1t,'" Dave recalled later at the show.

Time is everything because prior to the day of the show Kraus' parents gave a bike rack for her car. With all the cards in their favor, the fan offered her idol a ride to his own concert.

"A nice lady named Emily rode up in a red car with a bicycle rack on it and gave me a ride on to the gig," said Dave at his concert, according to CNN.

During the trip the couple found it challenging to start up conversation with the celebrity being star struck and all.

"We didn't know how to make conversation with him," Kraus said.

Eventually they talked about the tour and Dave's daughter going to summer camp.

As gratitude, Dave asked Kraus and her boyfriend out for dinner, gave them backstage passes, and front row seats to the show.

"My cheeks still hurt from smiling, giggling and laughing all night long ... this will always be remembered," wrote Kraus, reminiscing about the event on CBS News 21 Facebook.

When Sunday rolled around, Kraus thought it was all a dream until she saw the ticket Dave signed saying "Thanks for the ride."

Kraus has been a fan of Dave Matthews since she was nine and this was his first concert that she has attended.

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Dave Matthews Band
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