PS4 Vs. Xbox One Exclusives: Microsoft Unpopular In China? Sony And Nintendo Stocks Rise After Government Rumored To End 13-Year Ban On Video Game Sales

Sony and Nintendo experienced an increase in stock after a Chinese government source was quoted saying the 13-year-old ban on video game sales might be lifted, leaving gamers wondering why Microsoft's stock was untouched after the announcement of China's possible move. 

If the rumor is true, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will be able to enter the Chinese market to advertise and sell their gaming console while making next-generation consoles available in most electronic stores, the South China Morning Post reports.

"Chances are that marketing executives belonging to the Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 department are sitting in their offices and smiling now," writes VR-Zone.

"Although the ban never completely stopped the sale of consoles in small stores all across the country, no company has been 'officially' selling and 'advertising' their own game console offering in China for the past 13 years. Whew!"

China's opening-up of gaming policies might be a breath of fresh air for game developers losing out on money from producing high-cost next-generation games, but also serves as a threat to Microsoft, a video game company that might not be as popular in China as it is in the United States. 

Both Sony and Microsoft announced last month that their PS4 and Xbox One console games will cost the same price as current Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 games.

And game developers like Activision Unisoft and EA might have been losing out on millions of dollars as the cost of game development and production featuring new specs continues to rise.

"We aren't here to be greedy; we are here to do the best we possibly can for gamers and it's great that our price point has been well received," said a Sony representative at an E3 press conference, according to Pocket-lint.

But now EA has decided to backtrack and protect its future losses on stagnant game pricing by hiking the price of its exclusives. 

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