Android Phone Save Battery Life Update 2013: Effective Power Usage Of Your Mobile Devices

Learn some of the latest Android phone save battery life update 2013 to make sure you get to use your mobile devices longer than the usual.

The battery life of smartphones can be a very argumentative topic, especially because a lot of users are having issues with the power bank of their devices. Some are complaining that they do not get ample time in between charges. However, all mobile phone users, especially those with Android-powered devices that there are helpful ways to lengthen (at least even for just a bit) the battery life of smartphones.

Below are some Android phone save battery life updates 2013 to boost the life of your smart mobile devices, according to Insider Media Group.

Visit the map settings and uncheck the report location from the smartphone. This Android phone save battery life update 2013 can boost the phone with 20 percent more life. Also, you won't need the location feature when using Google Now.

It is also helpful to keep the screen brightness of you Android phone on automatic. Some keep it at 10 percent to save battery life but even if it is in automatic, it seems to work just fine.  

For Android devices using AMOLED screen, it will help to use a black background to save battery life. Wikihow posted, "AMOLED screens can reduce power usage sevenfold by displaying black instead of white or any other color."

Furthermore, music and photos should be synced on Wifi only. Avoid toggling Wifi, Bluetooth and GPS on and off to avoid fast draining of the battery. Some Android phone users keep the settings for these connectivity features on all the time, and they do not see such huge difference.

Use Android battery saving programs like Greenify, which hibernates the applications you have when the screen goes off, similar to what the iOS does. This technique tends to save a reasonable amount of battery life.

To learn more about how to save battery life on Android smartphones, there are various online resources which provide tips and tricks to do so.

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