Rolling Stone Magazine Cover Featuring Boston Bomber Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Riles Readers: Did It Make The Accused Terrorist Look Like Rockstar Jim Morrison?

The Rolling Stone magazine featuring Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover is being heavily criticized for portraying the accused terrorist as a celebrity, most notably the Doors' Jim Morrison. Readers took to social media to express their outrage, many saying they were canceling their Rolling Stone subscription.

The picture shows Dzhokhar with tousled long, curly hair and the hint of a goatee. According to The Telegraph, the photograph was taken by the accused terrorist himself, which he posted online, and has been widely published in the media in the past. However, The Huffington Post reports that the cover of Rolling Stone is an odd place for the glam shot of the bombing suspect, as the magazine usually features rock stars and actors on its cover.

For example, Think Progress editor-in-chief Judd Legum tweeted side-by-side photos comparing the cover to a 1991 cover of Doors' singer Jim Morrison.

"New Rolling Stone cover turns the Boston bomber into Jim Morrison," Legum tweeted.

The cover refers to Dzhokhar as "The Bomber" and tells readers the story inside the magazine will explain how a "popular, promising student was failed by his family, fell into radical Islam, and became a monster."

Pharmacy chain CVS and the Tedeschi Food Shops both said they would refuse to sell the issue in their stores.

"Boycott Rolling Stone" quickly became a trending Twitter topic in Boston. Social media erupted in response to the Rolling Stone magazine cover.

"Way to glorify a madman," a user tweeted, according to Fox News.

@BostonBachelor wrote: "Hey @RollingStone you could have honored any victim of the Bombing with your cover. But you chose a Terrorist #BoycottRollingStone"

@FrankTheButcher wrote: "Terrorists shouldn't be immortalized as rockstars. #BoycottRollingStone"

On the magazine's Facebook page, another user wrote: "As a longtime resident of Boston, and someone who worked for years in both the music business and for one of the two major newspapers here, I have to ask you, what is wrong with your editor?! Why on earth would you put this scumbag on the cover?"

Many others said they were cancelling their subscription or would never buy the magazine again, The Telegraph reports.

Tsarnaev is currently being held without bail in a federal prison in Massachusetts. He pleaded not guilty last week to 30 counts associated with the Boston Marathon bombing. He faces 17 charges that carry the death penalty.

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