$92 Quadrillion Credited By PayPal To A Pennsylvania PR Executive Due To Error [PHOTO]; Quickly Took It Back Within 2 Minutes

Paypal credited a Public Relations Executive with a staggering amount of $92 quadrillion.

But because it was a mistake, Paypal promptly took back the $92 quadrillion, leaving the Pennsylvania man with his supposed balance - $0.

Paypal erroneously credited the 56-year old Chris Reynolds more than $92 quadrillion. According to the account statement (screenshot posted above), the total amount credited was $92,233,720,368,547,800. If that colossally huge amount of money is really his, then he would have been the richest man in the world, "by an astronomical margin", as Huffington Post reported.

Reynolds has been a member of Paypal for ten years already and he mainly uses his account to buy and sell items like vintage car parts on Ebay. And he was shocked when he first learned about the $92 quadrillion in his Paypal account.

Also, the Ebay part-timer told that he was also sceptical when he saw his Paypal statement via email last Saturday credited with more than $92 quadrillion.

But shortly within two minutes, his skepticism was validated as when he signed into his Paypal account and found that his wrongly $92 quadrillion balance was already back to $0, which is how his account balance should appear. 

Paypal admitted that it had mistakenly credited Reynolds with $92 quadrillion but a spokesman from the company did not explain how the strange transaction happened. However, he said that Paypal is currently investigating the matters.

The report posted, citing the company statement made to CNN, "This was obviously an error and [we at PayPal] appreciate that Mr. Reynolds understands this was the case."

To make amends about the $92-quadrillion mistake, Paypal offered to donate to any cause of Reynold's choosing. Fox News reported that the PR executive gave the $30 Paypal donation to the local city council.

When asked about what he would do about the $92 quadrillion, he shared to Philadelphia News, "I'm a very responsible guy. I would pay the national debt down first. Then I would buy the Phillies, if I could get a great price."

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