Netflix 2013 Emmy Nominations 'Validates Internet Television' With 14 Nods For House Of Cards And Arrested Development In Major Categories

The Netflix 2013 Emmy nominations shock the entertainment world by garnering 14 nods, thus "validates internet television," according to Netflix Chief Content Officer and Vice President of Content Ted Sarandos.

This marks the first time that shows not aired on traditional broadcast or cable networks were nominated in the top Emmy categories since the rule change of 2008 allowed Internet T.V. to be eligible for the top honors such as comedy, drama and lead roles in those respective categories for the Netflix 2013 Emmy nominations.

"We are thrilled beyond belief," Sarandos told USA Today about the Netflix 2013 Emmy nominations. He was behind the push for  who was behind its original-series push and considers the Emmy nods "a leveling moment. Change comes very slow, but Emmy voters recognized that great television is great television, and they didn't pay attention to how it got there."

"In a way, it solidifies that television is television, no matter what pipe brings it to the screen," Sarandos said in a telephone interview after the Emmy nominations were announced live. "The means of delivery and distribution are secondary to whether the work is great."

The shows nominated include "House of Cards," "Arrested Development" and "Hemlock Grove" made up the 14 nominations for Netflix programming.

"Great television is great television regardless of where, when and how it is enjoyed," said Ted Sarandos, Netflix chief content officer, in a statement as Netflix programming like "House of Cards" and "Arrested Development" were nominated for Emmy's.

In 2013, Netflix became a "streaming T.V. network service" that planned to compete with cable television and network television. Netflix hopes to one day revolutionize T.V. by making television ratings obsolete. 

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