PS4 Vs. Xbox One Specs: Microsoft Game Downloads Better Than Sony? Xbox One Users Allowed To Play Other Games While Downloading To Console

Xbox One users will be able to play games while they're still downloading to the console, a Microsoft representative confirmed to Polygon, leaving gamers wondering how it will compare to the PS4.

The Playstation 4 will also support playing games while downloading others, but only when a certain portion of a download is complete, a Sony engineer said during the Develop conference last week, Polygon also reports.

There are no reports on the function of downloading games via Xbox Live and simultaneous gameplay.

The announcement was a breath of fresh air for Xbox One fans who discovered an anonymous Microsoft developer said they prefer the Playstation 4 over the Xbox One because it has better specs and features/

"An individual who doesn't want to be named and who says that they are a developer on the Xbox One, has been on Reddit and spoke out about the family sharing features and specs of the Xbox One in comparison to those of the Sony PS4. What does happen to be interesting about the rumor is that that Reddit have had confirmation that the person is someone who has worked on the console extensively," Sidhtech writes.

"There is a confirmed XB1 tag by the name of the person when he has made comments. While there are many topics that have been covered, some of the most important ones are that the person says that on paper the PS4 specs are better than the Xbox One. The comments do happen to be interesting as they actually come from someone who has worked on the Xbox 360."

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