Schindler's List On eBay Auction Starts July 28: Starting Price $3 Million For What Saved 1,200 Prisoners During WWII

Schindler's list on eBay is really being auctioned on the website and is marked as one of Oskar Schindler's life-saving list that the Academy Award winning movie was based off of.

On Thursday night, Schindler's list on eBay became official with a starting bid for $3 million. So far, no bids for the list that Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand, mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories created.

In order to save 1,200 prisoners, Schindler opened an armaments factory in Brunnlitz, present-day Czech Republic, to convince his superiors Jews were vital to the work production and now that Schindler's list is up for auction on eBay.

"Schindler hired a number of workers, forced laborers, and over a period of time came to accept a moral responsibility for keeping those laborers alive and for protecting them against whatever the SS had planned for them, which ultimately, they were expected to die," Peter Black, senior historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum told CNN.

Two other lists are at Yad Vashem, a Holocaust memorial in Israel, and one is at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Gary Zimet, curator of Moments in Time auction house, who is working with Gazin on the sale told CNN.

"For the right buyers, there might be a very spirited bidding war," he said.

The particular Schindler's list up for sale is the only one that ever belonged in private hands. The list contains the names of 811 men from April 18, 1945 during World War II. There are three other list that exist.

The person that owns the list is an unidentified individual from Israel. The bidding for this unidentified seller begins on July 28 and will close 10 days later.

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