Lady Gaga Artpop App Release and Jay Z Magna Carta Holy Grail Picasso Baby Performance: What do they have in common? [VIDEO] Marina Abramovic Performance Artist Gets Involved In Pop

Hip Hop Mogul Jay Z and Pop Star Lady Gaga don't seem to have much in common with their music.  However, they share two surprising links: Both are pushing technological boundaries by releasing albums as apps, and both are involved with famous performance artist Marina Abramovic.

Lady Gaga Artpop App Release is November 11.  Jay Z released Magna Carta Holy Grail as an app to Samsung customers on July 4 before the general July 8 release.  Samsung bought 1 million copies in advance to distribute to its customers before the official release date.  That enabled Jay Z to go platinum before the official release of Magna Carta Holy Grail, generating hype.  Magna Carta Holy Grail app was pirated quickly.

However, the more interesting connection is that both Jay Z and Lady Gaga are connected to the highest echelons of the art world via Marina Abramovic.  Marina Abramovic is a performance artist.  She is most recently known for her work The Artist Is Present at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.  Members of the public came to sit opposite her during this performance.  She did many interesting performances in her early career through the Rhythm series.  Marina Abramovic is planning to launch a school. 

Marina Abramovic seems to have become interested in celebrity in her recent work.  By her collaboration with Lady Gaga and her dance performance at Jay Z's Magna Carta Holy Grail Picasso Baby Performance at Pace Gallery, she shows interest in the self-creative aesthetic of today's pop stars. 

Regarding the collaboration with Marina Abramovic on ARTPOP, Haus of Gaga released this statement to Little Monster fans: "Built by TechHAUS, the technological branch of HAUS OF GAGA, the app itself is a musical and visual engineering system that combines music, art, fashion, and technology with a new interactive worldwide community - "the auras".  Altering the human experience with social media, we bringARTculture into POP in a reverse Warholian expedition."

"Exploring Gaga's existence as a cultural interface, the user will share in the "adrenaline of fame" as they build and share their own projects, chat with one another, and watch in real-time on a virtual globe as ARTPOP explodes onto the physical and virtual universe at once on November 11, our "BIG BANG!"  On this day HAUS OF GAGA venges with forte to bring the music industry into a new age, an age where art drives pop, and the artist once again is in control of the "icon".

"In turn, the album ARTPOP musically mirrors Gaga's creative process as she passes through the mediums of each artist she collaborates with, scoring a blueprint of her jourey.  The result, a "rage" of electronic passion and fury, defining each artistic process from beinning to end, ARTPOP could mean anything.  But for her, this is a celebration of obsession.  And on November 10, she will host an evening of artRave exhibiting Has of Gaga's proects as well as collaborations with Inez & Vincodh, Robert Wilson, Marina Abramovic, Jeff Koons."

Watch Marina Abramovic The Artist is Present Here:

Watch Marina Abramovic Art Must Be Beautiful Here:

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jay z
Lady Gaga
Haus of Gaga
Marina Abramovic
Picasso Baby
