Dubai Rape Victim Jail Ordeal [VIDEO]; Sentenced to 16 Months Prison for Being Raped; Janet Jackson Husband Wissam Al-Mana: "We are sympathetic to Marte Dalelv"

Correction: Earlier version of the article may have inadvertently implied a connection between the firing and the legal case against Marte Deborah Dalelv.  The firm's statement indicates there is no connection, and the language in the article has been changed to emphasize this.

Shocking revelations about the Dubai Rape Case: Marte Deborah Dalelv, who was thrown in jail after being raped and reporting it to police.  Later she was fired in her employment by Qatari billionaire Wissam Al Mana - the husband of pop singer Janet Jackson.  The firm says there is no connection between the firing and her legal problems, saying she was fired after she "declined to have positive and constructive discussions about her employment status".

Dalelv, an interior designers, received a termination letter, signed by Janet Jackson husband Wissam Al Mana himself:

"Further to the suspension letter notified to you on 20th March 2013, we hereby inform you that you employment with Al Mana Interiors W.L.L. is terminated for misconduct and breach of your employment duties, effective immediately."

"... your employment agreement is terminat(ed) due to your unacceptable and improper behavior during your last business trip in Dubai, which has resulted in your arrest by the Police Authorities in UAE."

When Dalelv reported the rape to Dubai police, they arrested her and took away her passport.  She was sentenced to 16 months in prison.  Her rapist received three months less time.

According to the Daily Mail, Al Mana Interiors released a statement regarding the matter:

"We are sympathetic to Marte Dalelv during this very difficult situation."

"Al Mana Interiors has repeatedly offered Marte support and company representatives were by her side throughout the initial investigation and police interviews, and spent days at both the police station and the prosecutor's office to help win her release.

"Company representatives have been supportive and in communication with Marte throughout her ordeal. Only when Ms. Dalelv declined to have positive and constructive discussions about her employment status, and ceased communication with her employer, was the company forced to end our relationship with her. The decision had nothing to do with the rape allegation, and unfortunately neither Ms. Dalelv nor her attorneys have chosen to contact the company to discuss her employment status.

"We continue to be open to helping Ms. Dalelv and extending her resources during the Dubai legal process. We are hopeful that we can resume a positive discussion about the assistance she needs during this difficult time."

Watch Dubai Video here:

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