Child Marriage Outrage: 11 Year Old Yemeni Girl Runs Away Rather Than Be Forced Into Marriage [VIDEO]; Girl Makes Youtube Video About Struggle; “What About the Innocence of Childhood?”

A video has gone viral of a young 11-year old Yemeni girl who has run away from her family because of child marriage.  Her family wishes to sell her into child marriage.  The girl says she would rather commit suicide than go through with child marriage at a young age against her will.

In the video, the young girl says: "It's true that I ran away from my family. I can't live with them anymore. Enough. I want to go live with my uncle. What about the innocence of childhood? What have the children done wrong? Why do you marry them off like that?"

"I have managed to solve my problem, but some innocent children can't solve theirs, and they might die, commit suicide, or do whatever comes to mind."

Child marriage is a major problem in some cultures.  Yemeni law says that girls of any age are able to marry.

Watch 11 year old Yemeni girl Child Bride Video here:

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