PS4 Vs. Xbox One Price: Sony Beats Microsoft Because Of Cost? 43 Percent Of Gamers Say They Don't Plan On Buying Xbox One Because Of $499 Price Tag

IGN surveyed 30,000 of its readers, and 43 percent said they weren't planning on buying Microsoft's Xbox One, Design & Trend reports.

Thirty-nine percent said they plan to purchase the console within the next year, and 18 percent said their purchase will depend on additional game announcements, Design & Trend also reports. 

Approximately 12,000 readers were surveyed and those who said they don't want to purchase the Xbox One cited the price difference with the Playstation 4 - the survey reveals cost might be the most important factor in marketing next-generation consoles. 

The study also found that specs, graphics and exclusives were also important factors in determining a console's marketability. 

But cost might not be one of the only deciding factors in purchasing next-generation consoles. 

Xbox One users will be able to play games while they're still downloading to the console, a Microsoft representative confirmed to Polygon, leaving Microsoft fans hopeful that the feature might rake in more gamers. 

The Playstation 4 will also support playing games while downloading others, but only when a certain portion of a download is complete, a Sony engineer said during the Develop conference last week, Polygon also reports.

There are no reports on the function of downloading games via Xbox Live and simultaneous gameplay.

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