Royal Crier Identity Revealed: Town Crier Who Announced Kate and Will's Royal Birth Not Official, But Awesome [VIDEO]

The royal crier has become an Internet sensation. The town crier announced the royal baby...because he felt like it. Watch a viral video of the royal crier in action below.

The royal crier wasn't invited to announce the royal birth, but he decided to anyway-and now he's an overnight media sensation.

The royal crier, Tony Appleton, 76, from Chelmsford, Essex, UK did a sensational job announcing Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge's new son.

The royal crier stood outside the Lindo Wing St. Mary's Hospital on Monday night and proclaimed the birth of the royal baby. Wearing full regalia, just like an old-fashioned town crier, Appleton shoute,

"On this day, the 22nd of July, the year 2013, we welcome with honorable duty a future king. The first born of the Royal Highness, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The third in line to the throne. Our new prince is the third great-grandchild of Her Majesty the Queen and the first grandchild of the royal highness the Prince of Wales. May he be long lived, happy and glorious and one day to reign over us. God save the Queen."

Will and Kate's birth has been hotly anticipated...and when the Great Kate Wait was over, the royal crier took it upon himself to shout the good news-enthusiastically.

Appleton first heard about the news on Twitter, and rushed off to the hospital.

"I'd only just arrived at my hotel when I received a tweet saying the baby had been born, so I made my way to the hospital. Everyone thought I was there in an official capacity but I did it off my own back," he told press. "I'm a real Royalist and did the same thing for the Royal Wedding, as well as the Queen's Golden and Diamond Jubilees."

And even if the Royal Crier was a party crasher, he somehow made his way in-and not for the first time.

Appleton has been a town crier for 25 years-and in addition, he runs a nursing home.

"I was not invited, I just crashed the party," he continued. "I got out of my cab and I stood in front of the steps, because I didn't think I would be allowed on them, and did my bit. It was great."

Reactions on Twitter and YouTube were largely positive.

"I want this guy to replace my alarm system in the morning," one person said.

Others liked the return to tradition.

"It is nice that some traditions linger," another poster wrote. "They give us a sense of continuity and attachment to history. Well done."

Watch a video of the royal crier below:

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