‘Interstellar’ Movie Is 2014’s Best Film? Christopher Nolan Space Drama Film Tackles The State Of The Human Race! Director Defends The Theater Experience!

Director Christopher Nolan has taken on the mantle of being the stalwart of film-both the art and the recording material. 'Interstellar' is Nolan's latest incarnation on the state of human experience.

Nolan has also stood his ground against the directive of Paramount Pictures to shift to digital film. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he elaborates why:

"I want to capture as much in camera as possible. It's a much higher quality than if you shoot on a green screen. Film is the best way to capture an image and project that image. It just is, hands down. That's based on my assessment of what I'm seeing as a filmmaker."

He relates that the best way to determine the best experience for a moviegoer is to place himself in their shoes-something that film executives probably do not take time for: "I've gone to movie theaters and watched [my films]. Not enough filmmakers do that. And not enough people in our industry spend enough time in theaters and see the end result." He adds that many in the industry watch movies in a rarefied space.

Speaking about 'Interstellar' Nolan cites that while it's a space drama, it is also his statement about humanity as a whole:

"I grew up in an era that was a golden age of the blockbuster, when something we might call a family film could have universal appeal. That's something I want to see again. In terms of the tone of the film, it looks at where we are as a people and has a universality about human experience."

Nolan also talked about his choice for the lead role-Matthew McConaughey. Even before his Oscar Best Actor win for "Dallas Buyers Club" the director of "The Dark Knight" knew that Matthew was his man: "[Mud] showed me a side of Matthew's capabilities that I never knew was there. It was a transformative performance. From when I first saw it, I had an inside track on how great he could be. [...] I needed someone who is very much an everyman, someone the audience could experience the story with. He's just a phenomenal, charismatic presence in the movie. His performance is shaping up to be extraordinary."

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