LA Clippers Owner Racist Comments: Chris Paul Reacts! Will Clippers Players Sit Out The Game In Protest? Coach Doc Rivers Has Team Meeting To Decide!

The LA Clippers Owner had racist comments recorded and released on TMZ. The situation presented a dilemma for the black players on the team especially Chris Paul who is also the president of the NBA Players Association. Coach Doc Rivers rallies his team together in a team meeting!

CP3 issued a statement on behalf of the union. From

"On behalf of the National Basketball Players Association, this is a very serious issue which we will address aggressively. We have asked Mayor Kevin Johnson to expand his responsibilities with the NBPA, to determine our response and our next steps. As players, we owe it to our teams and our fans to keep our focus on our game, the playoffs, and the drive to the Finals."

Kevin Johnson is the mayor of Sacramento and like Chris Paul, was a black NBA superstar point guard. He has also issued his statement:

"The reported comments made by Clippers owner Donald Sterling are reprehensible and unacceptable. The National Basketball Players Association must and will play a very active role in determining how this issue is addressed. There needs to be an immediate investigation and if the reports are true, there needs to be strong and swift action taken.

"I have spoken with NBPA President Chris Paul and will be leading the NBPA in addressing the implications of this serious matter. I will be formally reaching out to the NBA today to determine our next steps. While I originally came on to lead the Executive Director search, this issue requires immediate attention from the players association. I will be keeping Chris Paul, the Executive Committee, and all player representatives informed of every step."

On the pressing matter of the Clippers important game on Sunday, it was revealed by ESPN LA that the players and coach Doc Rivers had a 45 minute team meeting to vent out their anger and express their thoughts. It was also confirmed that the clamor to sit out Game 4 was discussed.

Doc Rivers shared the details with ESPN LA:

"I thought we needed to talk about it because everyone else is and so we needed to talk about it and all things came up. We've heard all the stuff, the boycotts and all the stuff and all those things are things you could do but we choose to play and we're going to play tomorrow. ... It was brought up because I'm sure 20,000 people have suggested it but honestly I'm completely against that and they were, too."

He adds: "Why should we let someone's comments stop us from what we're trying to do? We're trying to do something here and we don't want that getting in the way of what we're trying to do."

Rivers appealed to his players as professionals. He also reminded them that sitting out the game will shortchange the fans who have no fault in this problem. It was a tough task but he successfully reminded them of their goal to win a championship-of which they are in a good position to pursue.

The Clippers will play on Sunday but expect them to make their protest in some other way. 

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LA Clippers Owner Racist Comments
Chris Paul
