‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Plot Spoilers: Marvel Doomed To Fail? Storyline Inconsistencies And Plotholes Will Eventually Break Their Dominance! Can Joss Whedon Save Them?

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" is supposed to conclude the story, not just of the Avengers but the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, there are still notable plotholes and inconsistencies from the first movie. How can Joss Whedon fix it all?

One major plothole that was never really explained happened when Loki took the Tesseract. From movieplotholes.com:

"The cunning godly villain Loki sees fit to mind-control a scientist and random SHIELD agents to further his plan but doesn't think it could also be a good idea to control the director of SHIELD Nick Fury himself."

Nick Fury was never listed as having immunity to mind-control powers, especially those of a god. It was also not about being a spy, as Hawkeye also succumbed to Loki. The only explanation would be: we need to make a billion-dollar movie.

The other glaring plothole is the inconsistencies on their timeline. The question of "Where was SHIELD during the terrorist attack on Tony Stark's home-the guy who saved their ass in the Avengers?" That was supposed to be explained by the events in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" which did not happen yet.

From Screenrant, who also noticed the glitch concluded: Even now, the filmmaking architects could very well be scrambling to retrofit other projects like the S.H.I.E.L.D.-centric Captain America: The Winter Soldier, or the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show with Iron Man 3 tie-ins, which would make the agency's absence seem totally logical (in hindsight, of course). But no matter what 'fix' they put in place, as far as IM3 goes (you know, as a "standalone" piece) the misstep is still a glaring one. Because really, there's no explanation for why Tony or Pepper didn't even think to mention S.H.I.E.L.D..."

Still, Marvel has the best semblance of a universe with diverse characters than any of its competitors. Which brings us to the factor to bring the fall of Marvel: they have loads of characters, but the superstars have already been sold. All the best crossover-story arcs involved characters they don't have the rights to. No Wolverine, no Spider Man, no X-Men, no Fantastic Four.

The idea that Robert Downey, Jr and Chris Evans are leaving with their much publicized contract negotiations (which pretty much tells us exactly when they're going to leave), it would be difficult to replace them with Don Cheadle and Sebastian Stan. They need a bring in popular characters from successful comic books. Enter the Inhumans! Seriously.

May 1, 2015 is where we can see how Joss Whedon can fix all these and whip up a story we would all anticipate.

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avengers age of ultron plot spoilers
Marvel Doomed To Fail
