Valerie Bertinelli Shamed for Weight Gain in 2014; Kristie Alley Says `I Don't Think She Should Have to Justify Anything’; Valerie Bertinelli Project Joins Food Network

Valerie Bertinelli was shamed recently because gained the weight back that she lost after a much-publicized weight loss program. Kristie Alley, who was also a weight loss spokesperson, came to Valerie's defense. But Valerie Bertinelli may be fighting weight gain again. Valerie Bertinelli just joined the Food Network with "The Valerie Bertinelli Project."

The Food Network will be launching 20 new series in the next few months, including one new daytime series for Valerie Bertinelli. Sounds yummy.

Valerie Bertinelli gained a few extra pounds after a foot injury stopped her from going to the gym. Then the paparazzi took pictures of the actress who was the face of Jenny Craig. Valerie famously lost 40 pounds with them back in 2012.

The newly re-signed face of Jenny Craig, Kirstie Alley, scolded the press for jumping down Valerie's throat, saying "First of all, I happen to know that Valerie gained that weight back because she broke her foot, and she wasn't able to work out."

Kirstie Alley added "I don't think she should have to justify anything. ... Well, I think if shaming people for weight gain is the biggest problem we have in our life, then we need to get better lives, bigger lives. ... And like I said, everybody falls, it's a lifetime. It's almost like if you expected to get married on a Monday, and then have nothing ever happen in your marriage. It's the beginning of something. But life is a continuum, and we have ups and downs... But she broke her ankle! I don't think she should have to justify anything." 

Valerie Bertinelli, who currently plays on the sitcom "Hot in Cleveland," readily admits she has gained back some of the 40 pounds she on Jenny Craig in 2012. It that any reason to shame her in public?

Bertinelli explained "I haven't been able to work out, so the weight has been creeping on. But I have to take the shame out of it because it's not fair . ... I have gained a few pounds since I broke my foot. And it's really starting to panic me ... And then I thought, well, wait a minute, this is my body, I'm almost 54."

Bertinelli's doctor warned her not to do anything to get her heart rate up during recovery. Since then Valerie has been hitting the gym again. The paparazzi has been going stalker-crazy trying to catch shots of Valerie Bertinelli's weight gain after Jenny Craig. But what's the big deal? Bertinelli was nursing a broken foot and couldn't keep up her exercise regimen.

The actress told "The Talk" a few weeks ago "Because I broke my foot three months ago and I've not been able to work out, the weight starts to creep up. Then, I started thinking, 'Why do I feel so much shame?' Because the cameras are on me? Because the paparazzi can't wait to get a picture of me looking like I've gained a few pounds. It's like, we have to take the shame out of it."

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