Pixar Conspiracy Theories: Wall-E Annihilated His Fellow Robots! 'Disturbed' Robot Wanted To Preserve His Collection?

"Wall-E" was one of Pixar's films which had a strong message. It was concerned with the fate of humanity at large, and Wall-E was the only remnant. But why was he alone?

Pixar has been the most successful animated production company in the past decade. Now that it's a part of Disney, the success has now been shared with the pioneer animation company. Still Pixar movies are separate and independent.

While Disney has been bashed with sexually related Easter eggs and references not too subtly hidden in their movies, Pixar has a different 'dark side' entirely. Their seemingly innocent depictions of cooking rats and sentient toys have underlying tones of an apocalyptic nature. As the Pixar Theory suggests, all the movies from Pixar belong to one universe, and their collective story might as well have been an animated version of "Terminator" where machines took over the Earth.

In "Wall-E," the title-bearing robot was a garbage compacter who had a lot of sentimentality, as shown by his 'treasure collection' (probably inspired by Ariel of "The Little Mermaid). This is the key to the question that was never asked enough: Why was he alone?

The fan theory from Reddit user 'mrbananas':  "The Earth recovery act was going perfectly fine until one WALL-E unit went rogue. This particular unit wasn't very good at its job, often refusing to crush particular object. Instead it wanted to keep these trinkets as treasures. However, all the other units were still indiscriminately compacting everything, including trinkets this particular WALL-E wanted. So this rogue unit began destroying all the other unit(sic) and cannibalizing their parts. It continued its senseless cannibalism until there weren't enough WALL-E units left to combat the growing problems of Earth. Its continued cannibalism allow this rogue unit to continue operating long past is original operational life span, continuing to function for over 700 years. Alone, he can now selective pull out and protect his trinkets while still compacting all the rest of the earths(sic) junk."

There are also more references to support his theory:

"In the movie we see tons of mindless parts cannibalism preformed by our protagonist. He takes the trends off of a fallen comrade without a second thought. He hoards the parts of his dead brothers in his trailer along with all his precious trinkets that he had to protect from all the other WALL-E units. The reason why there is still so much trash on earth despite 700 years of compacting is because all the other compactors were killed early on and thus for 700 years only 1 unit has been working on the trash instead of a whole plant worth of units."

In short, the last WALL-E was not alone by accident. His sentimentality (a glitch in the programming) brought him into conflict with the other robots which he eventually destroyed.

The theory does lend a much darker tone but it is based on logic and a valid question that wasn't asked. What do you think of this theory?

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Pixar Conspiracy Theories
