‘The Amazing Spider Man 2' Review: 'Terrible' Movie Which Is 'As Bad As The 90s Super Hero Films!' Garfield And Stone Are The Only Positive Elements!

"The Amazing Spider Man 2" is an ambitious film with a huge load on its shoulders. Perhaps that's why it fell apart. A no-holds-barred review of the movie calls it 'cartoony' and compares it with the horrendous superhero films of the 90s that almost killed the entire genre.

The scathing review comes from Bad Ass Digest (BAD). Right off the bat, the reviewer makes the infamous reference.

"..you start to wonder if director Marc Webb isn't so much a fan of Spider-Man as he is a fan of the disastrous string of superhero movies in the 90s."

Most of the critics were wary of the villains being introduced in the film, and it seems like they were correct:

"The good news is that it's not as bad as Batman & Robin, although god knows some of the scenes really brush up against it. Jaime Foxx just doesn't have the gleeful schlockiness that Arnold Schwarzenegger brought to that film; he actually thinks he's playing a character in Max Dillon, the unloved schlub who becomes Electro."

"Batman & Robin" was released in 1997 and was known as the worst super hero film ever. It took eight years and the genius of Christopher Nolan to give Batman any semblance of credibility on screen again. Any comparison to that film is not a good one.

The saving grace of the movie happens to be Director Marc Webb's specialty:

"Garfield and Stone have terrific chemistry, and while their scenes in the movie often feel like the film stalling out slightly they're nice stalls. And there's an underserved subplot with Aunt May taking nurses classes to send Peter to college that would be sweet if the movie did a single damn thing with it. Like everything that is not Gwen and Peter you could excise this subplot and have no impact on the film in any way, shape or form."

It seems like everything takes a wrong turn in this lengthy piece (more than two hours).

"That's the problem with the whole movie - it's all these pieces that don't fit together. Electro - who is terrible, by the way - could be removed completely and it would require almost no changes in the film. Maybe this is all Webb overcompensating for the fact that his first film felt uncomfortable with the comic book elements, but he's skipped the comic book stuff and gone straight to cartoony."

The image of Spider Man cannot be the same as Batman-it will always be lighter and target audience is younger. But Sony must not underestimate its audience and the competition is very stiff, with three other giant studios constantly churning out Superhero movies, sequels and spin-offs galore. If the audience suffers from superhero fatigue, Spider Man may be the first one they'll scratch off the list of must-see movies.

That's too bad, as Spider Man is one of the most loved characters ever. While Marc Webb got the Peter Parker personality right (that's a safe bet considering he's the director of "500 Days of Summer") but he and the writers totally lost it when it came to building a cinematic universe. The fans really hoped this reboot series will erase the nightmare of the Spider Man 3, but unfortunately:

Bad Ass Digest user YayMayorBee: "I find it so disheartening that they (Sony) can get so much right in ASM 1 and 2, and still get so much wrong. They do things that even Raimi couldn't--a romance you care about, a wisecracking Spider-Man, science geek Peter, mechanical webbing, etc.--but then somehow can't manage to put a script together that makes sense."

There is still a substantial audience who would watch the film for the fun of it. The movie is in theaters if you have two hours to spare. 

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‘The Amazing Spider Man 2' Review
