Star Wars Episode 7 Title Revealed On The Franchise’s Appreciation Day! Sci-Fi Film To Be Called ‘The Order Of The Jedi’ – More Spoilers Leaked On Twitter!

Star Wars Episode 7 title revealed! There's no better way to celebrate the franchise's appreciation day than to fill the fans with spoilers!

The past few weeks has been bombarded with speculations, rumors and official announcement from J.J. Abrams' sci-fi film.

Finally! Star Wars Episode 7 cast has been revealed! According to an article of Variety, Disney and Lucasfilm made the official announcement on Tuesday.

And who will be joining the force in J.J. Abrams' seventh installment to the most successful sci-fi franchise?

'Girls' star Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow are among the chosen ones.

They will join original stars Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker and R2-D2, who was actually the first cast confirmed to be joining Star Wars Episode 7.

Following the revelation, names of Zac Efron and Lupita Nyong'o popped claiming that the two will be joining the film as well.

And today, as the world celebrates Star Wars Day, an unknown Twitter user who claims to have knowledge and ties with the production team, revealed a number of spoilers about J.J. Abrams upcoming addition to the franchise.

The source who unleashed a handful tweets about the film deleted his account, but the user did mention that he know the full title of the film - Star Wars Episode VII: The Order of the Jedi.

Star Wars Episode 7 title may seem to sound more of a fan fiction, but the user's decision to delete his account almost immediately after posting the Tweets has lead many of the fans to believe that it was indeed the film's title.

Furthermore, here are some of the other Star Wars Episode 7 spoilers that the user claimed to know that is aside from the title that he/she already revealed:

  • Princess Leia will now become the "Queen Regent of the Republic"
  • Luke Skywalker will become more of an Obi Wan Kenobi mentor figure
  • Sith Lord will definitely not be the bad guy
  • Han Solo will become the "High Commander of the Republic"
  • Daisy Ridley will play Han Solo's and Princess Leia's daughter
  • Star Wars Episode 7 plot details will be unveiled today

May the 4th be with you! Star Wars Episode 7 is expected to hit theaters on December 18, 2015.

What do you think of the latest Star Wars Episode 7 title Kpopstarz readers?

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