‘Avengers:Age Of Ultron' Hulk To Have Solo Movie? Legendary Lou Ferrigno Confirms! Marvel Has Full Attention On Green Giant!

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" will feature more of the super heroes that do not have the benefit of their own solo movies. This is quite a risk as casual fans would demand more of the top stars. But Marvel seems to be committed to giving the Hulk more screen time.

Marvel President Kevin Feige has already stated that they will give more heroes like the Hulk and Hawkeye more screen time because that's the only time fans get to see them. But the Hulk may break out of that category, as a quote from the classic TV Hulk Lou Ferrigno has fans agog. From Latino Review:

"Lou Ferrigno told a local radio station in Minnesota that Marvel is- indeed- planning another solo film. After talking about how Ruffalo's Hulk was the "star of the movie" in the first Avengers, claiming he "saved the day," the actor said, "Now because he saved the day they're making another solo Hulk movie after the second Avengers comes out."

Marvel has teased a lot more movies than they have actually made. They talked about a Black Widow movie only to realize that they gave her extensive exposure in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and as reported, also in "Avengers 2" so a solo film won't be necessary. But the Hulk is much more than the Black Widow.

On the assumption that they will make a Hulk movie, Latino Review speculates on how it would look like:

"It's also been a mystery if they'd pick up where Ed Norton's film ended, or if they'd start fresh (again). But with Norton's version being officially part of the MCU's canon, with Robert Downey Jr appearing at the end of it, and Ruffalo referring to that film's climax in Avengers, it's going to be interesting to see how they continue the story. Will Liv Tyler be brought back? William Hurt? With Tim Blake Nelson joining Fantastic Four that seemingly rules out his Leader being used. With Marvel teasing Iron Man's "Hulkbuster" suit last month, could a trip to Planet Hulk be on the way?"

Screenrant is not as optimistic. In fact, they are downright skeptical.  Their point: "This isn't, however, the first time Ferrigno has made such a claim. Five months ago, the actor made the same statement in an interview, which was followed by Ruffalo and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige expressing their excitement about the idea, yet noting there were currently no plans in the works. And with half of Phase Three after The Avengers: Age of Ultron already taking shape with Ant-ManCaptain America 3, and The Avengers 3 on the schedule, we're inclined to believe them for the time being."

Marvel will only introduce one new property per phase, but there could be another one depending on the reception for Guardians of the Galaxy.

While there will be "Captain America 3" on Phase 3, there is also a"Thor 3" but it is not certain to follow CA3. "Guardians" is a little too risky and the chances for a sequel are slim, same goes for "Ant-Man." There is also no "Iron Man 4" YET, so Marvel may have slots for two new character films instead of one.

That may be the Hulk and Doctor Strange-two characters that are rumor staples whose existence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is confirmed. All the other rumored characters-Ms Marvel, the Inhumans and Black Panther-have yet to be mentioned.

Would you watch a solo "Hulk" movie? You'll probably watch "Avengers: Age of Ultron" on May 1, 2015 won't you?

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‘Avengers:Age Of Ultron' Hulk
