‘Batman Vs Superman’ Rumors: Batmobile Similar To Iconic 90s Model? Throwback From The Dark Knight Design, Affleck's Ride Resembles 'Old Cadillac!'

The sequel to the "Man of Steel," currently titled "Batman Vs Superman" is currently filming in Detroit. Quite fittingly, the design of the Batmobile is rumored to resemble a Motor City classic.

The recent trilogy by Christopher Nolan, culminating in "The Dark Knight Rises" was the most successful and critically acclaimed. It's a tough act to follow, so Zack Snyder will not even try. His incarnation of Batman, to be played by Ben Affleck, will be very different.

One of the main differences will be the Batmobile design. From Batman on Film, citing a source code named "Dr. Detroit" gave these juicy details.

"The Batmobile is currently being designed and built by General Motors at the GM Advanced Design Studio in North Hollywood. This is the same team who most recently designed and built the vehicles for TRANSFORMERS 4 with Michael Bay - who was very hands-on and involved in the design/building process for the new Bumblebee Camaro. Anyway, back to the new Batmobile...

It will definitely NOT have a military look like The Tumbler from [Chris] Nolan's 'Dark Knight Trilogy.'

As of about four weeks ago, it was still "pictures on the wall" - meaning nothing had actually been built yet.

An "old Cadillac" will feature prominently in the film. When I remarked to my source that the Cadillac Sixteen concept car from a few years back looked a lot like a Batmobile, he stayed mum."

Batman On Film's Bill Ramey proceeds with his own conclusions:

"Now this is pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if this 'old Cadillac' be the new Batmobile? Perhaps one is being retrofitted to be Batman's ride inBATMAN VS. SUPERMAN? There are some interesting 'old Cadillac' concept cars, including cars from the '40's, '50's, and '70s (I've attached pictures of some) that somewhat resemble various previous iterations of the Batmobile from comic books, television, and film. In recent years, there have also been several Cadillac concept cars (like the Aera and Thorium Fuel concepts) that fit the bill of a high-tech, supercar-style Batmobile (with some Bat-themed modifications, of course). After all, basing a Batmobile on an old concept car has precedent as the '1966 Batmobile' from the 60s BATMAN TV series was based on the 1955 Lincoln Futura."

Which Batmobile would you like to see? Old School, Military type or Futuristic?

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‘Batman Vs Superman’ Rumors: Batmobile
