Xbox One vs. PS4 Games, Sales, Specs, Poll, Price, Graphics Competition? [UPDATE] Wii U’s Mario Kart 8 Launch ‘Clocks In’ At 1080p, 60fps

The Wii U's Mario Kart 8 game is "clocking in" at 1080p 60fps gameplay, the Inquisitr reports, leaving many fans wondering if the popular Nintendo game will challenge the Xbox One and Playstation 4's domination over games, sales, specs, polls, prices and graphics attention.

"It appears everybody has been ignoring Wii U, a console like the others which connects to the TV for high definition gaming," the website writes.

"It's gotten a bad reputation because people keep focusing on its gamepad screen, and some developers may be focusing on the handheld gizmo as well. If Nintendo could get enough attention focused on its latest major console and convince major publishers that the Wii U doesn't need to be limited to the gamepad screen, they might even compete with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One."

Microsoft is capitalizing on its partnership with Chinese retailer BesTV, after the country put an end to its 13-year ban on video game consoles, giving Microsoft's next-generation console a lead over its PS4 and Wii U competitors.

However, Microsoft and BesTV are only expecting to ship 100,000 Xbox One consoles to China for the year, Forbes reports.

Microsoft official Phil Spencer has pledged that Microsoft plans to "win" this console generation, making clear that the company needs to do more to come out on top, Game Spot reports.

"Definitely in to win," Spencer told a fan via Twitter, according to the site.

"We need to do more, that's 100% of my focus."

Sony has just announced that 7 million PS4s have been sold worldwide, five months after the console's release, Forbes reports, sparking gossip among many gamers active on social media regarding the rival Xbox One's specs, graphics and polls.

Microsoft has not recently announced an exact number of Xbox One sales. In early January, however, the company mentioned they sold 3 million units of their console.

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