Brooke Mueller: Drugs And Sex In Front Of Kids? Could Charlie Sheen's Ex Lose Custody Over Lawsuit Allegations?

As Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife, Brooke Mueller is no stranger to public controversy. But the troubled socialite could face serious legal ramifications if allegations made in a lawsuit filed by a former personal assistant pan out. Lior Mesaphor alleges that Mueller made him smuggle drugs for her, paid him well below minimum wage, and even had sex with other men in front of him and her own children. If Mesaphor is able to prove these claims in court, the lawsuit could be the least of Mueller’s problems. She could face criminal charges for drug and employment violations, as well as child endangerment, and she could lose custody of the children.

Mesaphor claims that Mueller forced him to “engage in repetitive illegal and unsavory actions,” including “forcing Plaintiff to act as a drug mule, forcing Plaintiff transport illegal drugs for Defendants,” and “forcing Plaintiff to watch over children in order that Defendants could get high…and or engage in multiple sex acts,” often while Mesaphor and Mueller’s children were in the room.

Mesaphor also alleges that Mueller required him to work 130 hours a week, but he was only paid him $2,400 a month, which equate to only $4.47 an hour. The former assistant says Mueller created an “irreconcilable and irrevocable hostile work environment,” and that he was “constructively terminated from his employment as a result thereof.”

Mueller has landed in hot water as a result of substance abuse in the past. She temporarily lost custody of her five year old twins last year, after overdosing on crystal meth. At the time Denise Richards, Charlie Sheen’s other ex-wife, volunteered to take care of the kids in order to prevent them from being put into foster care. Mueller wound up regaining custody with the support of Sheen, who has famously faced his own battle with substance abuse and mental health issues. It is unclear, at this time, what will happen to the children if Mueller loses custody again.

Brooke Mueller
Personal Assistant
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