Gwyneth Paltrow Blog Lawsuit: GOOP Diet Tips Infringe On Diet Detective Charles Platkin' Copyright?

Could this be the beginning of the end for Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle website, GOOP? The star is being sued by ‘Diet Detective’ columnist Charles Platkin, who claims she infringed on his copyright of the title in one of her articles. It is unclear whether Paltrow’s much maligned website can handle this scandal.

In question is an article titled ‘Today on GOOP, Diet Detective/Nutritionist Kelly Dorfman Takes The Mystery Out Of What Might Be Plaguing Our Systems – And Presents A Program For Picky Eaters.’ Platkin claims in his suit that he has ownership over the title ‘Diet Detective,’ and that Paltrow engaged in “deliberate and unconscionable actions in infringing on Plaintif’s trademark.” The suit goes on to say that Platkin has been “grievously injured by Defendant’s infringements, as they have been undertaken without his control, and in a manner that dilutes and tarnishes the valuable image associated with Plaintif’s marks, brand, work and intellectual property.”

Paltrow’s site has already faced a considerable share of criticism. The actress is widely regarded as appearing over-privileged and out of touch, and the extravagant products she tends to promote on the site have not helped her image. Among the most exorbitant have been a $295 pair of pajamas, a $900 throw blanket, and a $1,500 skull pendant. Paltrow’s elitist reputation even won her the title of ‘most hated celebrity’ in a poll conducted by Star Magazine last year. So the question arises, if Paltrow’s website, which has been hurting her popularity, is now also costing her money, does it have any chance of survival? And even if she can save GOOP, should she?

Platkin, for his part, is one of the nation’s most famous nutrition experts. His syndicated columns is featured in more than 100 daily newspapers, he has contributed several health focused publications, and has his own regularly updated website,

Gwyneth Paltrow
Diet Detective
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