‘Winds Of Winter’ Author George R.R. Martin Admits ‘Thinking About Torture’ As A Kid; Writer Gets Characters’ Names From Baby Book?

If fans wonder where "Winds of Winter" author George R. R. Martin gets the inspiration from all the violence he writes in the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series, that's because he started young. The "Game of Thrones" executive producer also admitted that he got some of the names of his characters from a baby book.

In the recent tete-a-tete with fans at the Freemasons Hall, "Winds of Winter" author George R.R. Martin explained how he developed a love for weaving out stories, but they weren't all happy endings.

"I had these cheap alien toys and I made up stories for them. They were space pirates. They didn't have names so I made up names. These were the first stories I wrote. Even as a little kid I was thinking about torture," he said, per Buzzfeed.

Although he didn't reveal the "Winds of Winter" release date, he however dished out how his writing style developed over the years and now there's a concious decision to always get the fans guessing with his "A Song of Fire and Ice" novels.

"I could have written a story about a well-adjusted family. Ned Stark comes down to King's Landing and takes over and solves all their problems. Would that have been as exciting?" he said.

Killing off his characters proved to be easier compared to coming up with names, as "Winds of Winter" author George R. R. Martin admitted to using "fantasy name generators" online where the user will just hit a button and the program will ocme up with multiple fictional names. The problem, he said, is "they all turn out to be 'Grisknuckle.'"

"Names are hard. I have a library of What to Name Your Baby books, and I'm always picking up new books, and books of baby names from other countries. I like cool-sounding names," the author said.

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Winds of Winter
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