Nick Cannon Blasts The Media Over Mariah Carey Divorce Coverage in Long Tweet

"You talking to me?" Robert De Niro asked in "Taxi Driver." Yeah, Nick Cannon is talking to us, the media, in the coverage of the Mariah Carey divorce. The SEO of the gossip columns picked up on all the wrong quotes and pushed it into the usual media feeding frenzy and forgot, Nick Cannon doesn't talk like that.

Last month, Cannon was quoted as saying that there is "trouble in paradise" in his marriage with Mariah Carey.  The tabloids picked up on it but In a lengthy Twitter post,Cannon says "'Trouble in Paradise" is the dumbest phrase I've ever heard!'" Carey and Cannon announced their separation after six years of marriage last Thursday.

Cannon doesn't have a problem with being "the bad guy" but wants the media to lay off Carey.

"I have personally been absent from social media for the past few months for obvious reasons but I feel the need to finally speak up," Cannon began. "During this challenging time for me and my family it saddens me that the media can be such evil bottom feeders... For the record I NEVER have, nor will I make a statement regarding my marriage. So whatever your favorite gossip outlet is reporting has been created within their own imagination... At this difficult time I would ask all civilized people to please respect my family and this process."

According to reports, the divorce stems from Carey being upset that Cannon was away from the family after taking on a lot of work.

A source told E! "She has tried and tried to get him to stay home more, but he always uses work as an excuse. When she points out that, financially, he does not need to be working as much as he does, it pisses him off and pushes him farther away. He hates when people assume he's living off her money."

Page Six reported that Carey and Cannon have been living apart for months. The "America's Got Talent" host has been living in hotels and the pop diva lives with their twins Monroe and Moroccan Scott.

Cannon allegedly confirmed to The Insider magazine "There is trouble in paradise ... we have been living in separate houses for a few months. My main focus is my kids."

To which E! News responded with the report "Mariah was devastated about the comments Nick made to The Insider," according to their source. "They had agreed to work on a statement together. A joint statement was being prepared when he went and gave those quotes to The Insider."

"She told him she needed to get out of town and she was taking the kids with her. Nick was fine with it. The reports about him being concerned about the welfare of the kids aren't true. If he was worried, the kids wouldn't be with her, period. He thinks she's a good mom."

Here is the full Twitter statement:

"I have personally been absent from social media for the past few months for obvious reasons but I feel the need to finally speak up. During this challenging time for me and my family it saddens me that the media can be such evil bottom feeders because my family & I haven't been forthcoming with personal information, people are quick to paint negative pictures and spread rumours.

"For the record I NEVER have, nor will I make a statement regarding my marriage. So whatever your favorite gossip outlet is reporting has been created within their own imagination. At this difficult time I would ask all civilized people to please respect my family and this process. What infuriates me most is to hear people slander @MariahCarey. I will forever be in debted to her for blessing me with our children. I will always love her unconditionally for this and so much more. @MariahCarey is an amazing Mother and I trust her wholeheartedly. So to see false reports in the media stating otherwise is absurd!

"While I would like to remain silent I can no longer allow this to happen. I love @MariahCarey and that will never change!!!"

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mariah carey nick cannon divorce
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