Nick Cannon Twitter Rant: Mariah Carey Divorce Reports False. 'Wild N' Out' Star Says Yahoo! Lied In Report

Reports of divorce between Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon have been circling around for months, and in August, the split was seemingly confirmed when Insider With Yahoo quoted Cannon as saying the two were living separately. But On Wednesday night, the Wild N’ Out and America’s Got Talent host took to Twitter, claiming the quote was completely fabricated, and insisting, “I love @MariaCarey and that will never change!!!” Is Cannon back-pedaling on his previous statement, or did Yahoo! actually give falsified report?

The Yahoo! story in question quoted Cannon as saying “There is trouble in Paradise...We have been living in separated houses for a few months.” Neither party said anything on the matter immediately after the report came out, and the quote was picked up by the rest of the media, assumed to be an authentic statement from the comedian.

Cannon, however is now telling a very different story, and has some choice words for members of the media who he says are spreading false information. On twitter, the TV host said, “For the record I NEVER have, nor will I ever make a statement regarding my marriage,” adding that “ ‘Trouble in Paradise’ is the dumbest phrase I’ve ever heard! I would never say that sh*t.’”

On the topic of the media, Cannon tweeted, “During this challenging time for me and my family it saddens me that the media can be such evil bottom feeders,” insisting that “Whatever your favorite gossip outlet is reporting has been created within their own imagination…” He also lamented that “Because my family & I haven’t been forthcoming with personal information, people are quick to paint negative pictures and spread rumors.”

Cannon also took the opportunity to defend his wife, tweeting “What infuriates me the most is to hear people slander @MariahCarey. I will forever be in debted to her for blessing me with our children…” He added, “I apologize to anyone who’s gotten caught up in this unwarranted drama,” possibly in reference to Jasmine Sanders and Brittany Daily, two women who have been romantically linked to the comedian in media reports.

Notably absent from Cannon’s series of tweets was any comment shedding light on whether the couple is actually separated or not. It is also somewhat puzzling, if he actually was falsely quoted by Yahoo!, why the comedian took so long to clear the record. Was he simply trying to rise above the fray and ignore the media frenzy altogether? Or could the couple have been consulting with legal counsel on how to address the situation? 

Nick Cannon
Mariah Carey
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