KARA Stays Quiet About The Dokdo Issue

Japanese fans reacted positively to KARA's staying mum about the Dokdo issue.

KARA recently had a press conference at Seoul's Walker Hill hotel on the 22nd and they received a question about the Dokdo issue. However, MC Park Ji Yoon changed the subject and made sure that the Dokdo issue was not brought up again.

The news reached the Japanese portal sites like 2CH quickly, at which point a lot of articles about KARA's staying quiet on Dokdo surfaced. There were many comments from Japanese fans attached to these articles and the majority of them complimented the girl group, saying that it was a "smart decision."

Many of them said, "It was a good response to continuing their activities here in Japan," "They shouldn't have to answer that question one way or another." and "The Korean press that is asking these questions are only asking for trouble." Some of the comments seemed to criticize the Korean press for asking the girl group such a sensitive issue, especially when KARA depends on the Japanese market for much of their success.

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