32 Days Since the 'T-ARA Crisis'

32 days after Hwayoung has been removed from the group, both sides have spoken up about the bullying rumors being a misunderstanding as well as showed their support for one another.

It took quite a while for it to finally come down to this. Although the agency had tried to calm down the situation, it only got worse. It came to the point where no matter what they did the public would not believe them.

Eunjung had even been removed from here drama role and Soyeon's appearance time shrunk drastically in hers. Unlike other issues, this one lasted for over a month.

T-ARA Members tweets after the Japan Concert

Last month, T-ARA members were in Japan getting ready for the Budokan concert. On this day, Hwayoung could not perform with them due to her leg injury. However, she did perform her solo part on crutches.

The crisis began after the concert. As the members tweeted messages such as, "The difference of determination", "Determination is what makes a person" and "I applaud the acting genius" and other messages. Hwayoung also wrote on her twitter, "Sometimes determination is not everything."

With these tweets, internet users believed that Hwayoung was being bullied by the other members and began to post up 'Hwayoung Bullying Evidence' videos. Amidst this situation, Core Contents Media suddenly announced Hwayoung's removal from the group on July 30. Core Contents Media also explained that her removal did not have anything to do with the bullying rumors.

With the sudden news of Hwayoung's removal, internet users became furious. The anti-fan cafe 'T-JinYo' was created and people held picket signs outside of Core Contents Media as well.

T-ARA and Advertisements

After the crisis, advertisement companies received the most damage. The first company that took action was the national police agency. Eunjung had been an honorary ambassador and model for their webpage. The police agency quickly took down her picture due to the request of many people.

After, many other brands took down picture of T-ARA as well as the posters that were posted outside. 

Not only ads, but their activities on broadcasts were also canceled and their solo concert was also canceled. Their new album activities were delayed as well.

They also received much criticism for still having their drama roles. Internet users demanded that they remove them from their dramas. Eunjung was eventually removed from her drama and Soyeon's appearance on her drama shrunk drastically.

T-ARA supports Hwayoung

With the continuous criticism and controversy going on about the crisis, Hwayoung posted on her twitter that this was not due to bullying. T-ARA members also posted an official apology letter on their official homepage as well.

T-ARA mentions in their letter that they had debated for quite some time before deciding to post the letter. They mention that they were foolish and that they are deeply reflecting on their actions. They also showed their support for Hwayoung asking everyone to continue to look out for her and support her. They once again showed their apologies to everyone they had disappointed.

Hwayoung posted on her twitter a day earlier expressing her sadness for Eunjung's removal from her drama. She also explains that this crisis had nothing to do with bullying and hopes to see the other members with smiling faces. 

She also apologizes to the public for creating this crisis.

Core Contents Media
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