Lee Won Jong's Daughter-In-Law Revealed

Lee Won Jong invited his daughter-in-law, daughter, and granddaughters to his peach farm on the show SBS "Good Morning" on Friday.

Lee Won Jong showed his love towards his daughter-in-law. He said "My daughter-in-law is so kind and pretty. She always faxes me the drama scripts." He sent a media letter to her saying "I know it's hard to work in this hot weather. I'm sorry I can't go even though I miss you. You have to come to get the peaches."

Lee Won Jong's daughter-in-law, daughter, and granddaughters were revealed afterwards. His daughter-in-0law had pale skin with pretty face. She even took control of Lee Wonjong with her cute attitude. 

Photo Credit: SBS

lee won jong
daughter in law
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