Ex-EXO Member Luhan's Chinese 'Star Wars' Music Video Teaser Released

Luhan is continuing his activites as an offical Chinese ambassador of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" promotional activities in China.

On Jan. 1, the music video teaser for Luhan's Star Wars music video was uploaded on YouTube. The former EXO member sings to an upbeat, intense track while scenes from "Star Wars" play in the background, with scenes occassionally cutting to Luhan.

"Star Wars" is scheduled to arrive in theaters in China on Jan. 9, so Luhan's full music video will most likely be released before that date.

Previously, the member starred in a 60-second TV spot where he turned into a Jedi, used the Force, and wielded a lightsaber to promote the film.

As official "Star Wars" ambassaddors in Korea, the remaning members of EXO starred in the Korean "Star Wars"-themed "Lightsaber" music video, released on Nov. 10.

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