Stellar Read 'Mean Tweets' On 'Show Champion'

Stellar have become the latest targets in Show Champion's newest segment, which features group members reading and reacting to some of the hateful concepts they've received, in a format similar to American comedian and late night host Jimmy Kimmel's popular "Mean Tweets" series.

The hateful comments attacked the members looks, concept, vocals, and music. Fortunately, the four members of Stellar were unfazed by the negativity and repeatedly cracking jokes and laughing at it themselves.

The comments started out light with the first one reading, "Please upload an instrumental version of 'Sting.' It sounds much better as background music."

While the next comment read by Gayoung said, "They keep saying they're sexy, but where is the sexiness." Yoori instantly stood up and casually responded, "You really don't know?" sensually flipping her hair to the side.

Another comment asserted that Stellar is not young enough to suit their current concept for "Sting."

When questioned about the most hateful comment they have ever recieved, Stellar stated that the comments that insult their family or parents are the worst ones.

At the end of the segment, Minhee shared a piece of life advice with the commenters, reminding them that the Stellar members are still precious daughters and members of their families. They concluded the segment by asking, "Do your parents know that you leave those kinds of comments?"

The only other group that has participated in the "Mean Comments" segment is Dal Shabet.


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