Chen Shares Which EXO Members Are Most Popular In China And Korea

EXO's Chen reveals which members of EXO are most popular in China.

On February 24, Chen joined a panel of Korean starts popular in China for a Radio Star special titled "Oppa is China Style." One of the biggest topics of discussion, and one that fans had a lot of interest in, was the question of who in EXO is the most popular in China.

EXO, who originally was split between EXO-K and EXO-M and promoted in Korea and China respectively, has become one of the most well-recognized K-pop groups since their debut in 2012. Among the 2.7 million Chinese fan club members, a number that shocked Chen according to MyDaily, Chen revealed that the three most popular members are Chanyeol, Sehun, and Kai.

Chen also shared that in Korea, members Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Sehun top the list for the most popular. Seeing youngest member Sehun make both lists surprised Radio Star's MCs.

Since Chen is not active on any social media platforms, he also shared his surprise over how popular EXO truly is. "The online bulletin board (for the Chinese fanclub) has a post number over 35 million. I can't wrap my head around it," he shared with the Radio Star crew.

Chen appeared alongside Running Man cast member Ji Suk Jin, Top Combine's Kim Eun Sung, and actor Choi Sung Gook.

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