Park Yoochun Accused By Two More Women Of Sexual Assault, Total Rises To Four

Two more women have come forward and accused idol-turned-actor Park Yoochun (30) of sexual assault, bringing the total number of claims to four.

According to a statement given to Kangnam police by the women who made the third accusation, the event occurred at around 4 AM on June 12, 2014. At that time, she was reportedly in the bathroom at Yoochun's house when he entered the bathroom and sexually assaulted her. She reported the crime on June 17.

According to her story, she first met Yoochun in an adult entertainment establishment, where she drank alcohol wiwth him and his friends. Afterwards, all of them went back to Yoochun's residence to have an afterparty, where they ended up drinking more. It was at the afterparty that the woman entered the bathroom and was subsequently assaulted by Yoochun.

Yoochun was also accused of sexual assault by a fourth woman. According to her, Yoochun locked the door to the bathroom and attempted to sexually assault her. The woman also stated that she hopes he gets incarcerated for his crimes.

A law enforcement agent commented on the crime, saying "what Yoochun did, if found guilty, would warrant jail time. However, police are still thoroughly investigating the situation to see if any sex trafficking took place."
"Whether or not he goes to jail will be decided by in a court of law," he added.

If sex trafficking was involved, then the accusers could be charged with crimes as well.

Furthermore, the woman in the fourth accusation reported the crime to police in December 2015. However, police stated "at that time, we met the accuser and investigated the details of the incident, but there was no indication that Yoochun forced himself on her.

To deal with the two extra cases, three more agents have been added to investigation team, bringing the total to nine. Due to the legal classification of sexual assault in Korea, all four of the cases will be fully investigated, regardless of whether the accuser withdraws their claims.


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