‘Woman with a Suitcase’ Episode 13 begins to regain its lost viewers

MBC drama “Woman with a Suitcase” is finally able to regain its lost viewers. After two weeks slump in the ratings, its 7th week episodes started to climb back to the Top 20 list.

“Woman with a Suitcase” Episode 13 aired Nov. 8 regained 8.0 percent in the TnMS and 9.1 percent viewership rating in the Nielsen Korea. The drama was having a difficult time for two weeks after losing its viewers and toppled from the Top 20 list.

Episode 12 started with the two years time lapse with Geum-Joo came back to study law and graduated. She has passed the exam and officially become an attorney.

The story then shifted its focus on the Ji-Ha murder trial with Bok-Geo as defendant. In preparation of the trial, the judge who was selected to preside the case was the one who is well-known to give harsh sentence for crime fellony. This concerns everyone in the defense team, including the nerve of steel Geum-Joo.

Behind the murder case, Hye-Joo’s superior CEO Lee Dong-Soo is the one who is suspected to frame Bok-Geo. He even order the muder of coroner Park Ji-Seok who know something fishy about the allegations against Bok-Geo.

During the trial, as Bok-Geo took the witness stand, prosecutor Choi tried to corner him to admit that he made Ji-Ah to commit perjury and killed her after a sexual encounter. Bok-Geo denied the allegations.

In the next episode of “Woman with a Suitcase,” the drama has been back to become a court room drama as confirmed by Stoo News. Geum-Joo showed the missing pages of the coroner report. She also brought to light the false evidence and witness from the prosecution office.

However, judge sentenced Bok-Geo to two years in prison, due to all circumstantial evidences pointed toward him as the perpetrator.

Geum-Joo and Suk-Woo then worked hard to find enough evidence for the appeal. Later the evidence led her to the henchman of CEO Lee which is known as Kang. She confronted him but he threatened her.

Watch the footage from Episode 13 below after judge sentenced Bok-Geo to prison

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