SIster Slam Dunk Unnies Will Lose Min Hyo Rin and Jessi As The Main Members

Sister Slam Dunk is a variety show that consists of 6 women with different personality and different field in entertainment but aiming to support each other's dream. They have got a lot of attention since Min Hyo Rin episode with her girl group dream and Jessi episode with her dream to meet her parents.

The other members, Sook, Hong Jin Kyung and Tiffany also give a lot to the show and make the show alive. Recently, Shook won her first award in entertainment for her appearance in Sister Slam Dunk. But, sad news, two members will leave the show, leaving only 4 members.

According to report from koreaboo, the members who will leave are Min Hyo Rin and Jessi. YMC Entertainment said that Jessi will continue her activity as an artist and she will have her comeback as a singer this year.

As for Min Hyo Rin, JYP Entertainment said she will continue her activity as an actress. Leaving four members only, the the crew is still in the process of finding new members to replace their position.

Sister Slam Dunk will not be the same again without Min Hyo Rin and Jessi. This is disappointing for the viewers as both are quite talented and perfect for the show. It is also upset to see that Min Hyo Rin has to leave after winning award as Best Rookie Award for Variety Show.

As reported from soompi, the previous rating has fallen as Tiffany part was cut from the show. The reason might not only because of the cut from Tiffany, but it was sure to be one of the reasons.

With the leaving of the two main members, what will happen to the show? The crew needs to find capable new members with a great sense in variety show to make the ratings go up again. It is so fun to see all of the 6 members with their own funny acts. Hope the show will keep running well and gain much more love from viewers.

The other members, Sook, Hong Jin Kyung and Tiffany also give a lot to the show and make the show alive. Recently, Shook won her first award in entertainment for her appearance in Sister Slam Dunk. But, sad news, two members will leave the show, leaving only 4 members.

According to report from koreaboo, the members who will leave are Min Hyo Rin and Jessi. YMC Entertainment said that Jessi will continue her activity as an artist and she will have her comeback as a singer this year.

As for Min Hyo Rin, JYP Entertainment said she will continue her activity as an actress. Leaving four members only, the the crew is still in the process of finding new members to replace their position.

Sister Slam Dunk will not be the same again without Min Hyo Rin and Jessi. This is disappointing for the viewers as both are quite talented and perfect for the show. It is also upset to see that Min Hyo Rin has to leave after winning award as Best Rookie Award for Variety Show.

As reported from soompi, the previous rating has fallen as Tiffany part was cut from the show. The reason might not only because of the cut from Tiffany, but it was sure to be one of the reasons.

With the leaving of the two main members, what will happen to the show? The crew needs to find capable new members with a great sense in variety show to make the ratings go up again. It is so fun to see all of the 6 members with their own funny acts. Hope the show will keep running well and gain much more love from viewers.

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Min Hyo Rin

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