BTS Settled To Be The Newest YouTube Most Viewed Group Of All Time

BTS isn't over yet after they have a successful group's latest billboard Music Award nomination and now, the K-pop group is awarded as YouTube's most viewed group. "BangtanTv" and other BTS channels make millions combined views as of this time on.

Reports all over the internet are proof that we can't really deny the fact that the BTS fame is undeniably felt all over Korea and even in video-sharing site after the PSY's "Gangnam Style". As of this time on, no other South Korean individual or group has reached the hits that idols have.

The group has recently reached a total of 4,214,273,396 views, the BTS videos clicked hits were counted via Google and YouTube Insight. The total hits came from different fan cams, vlogs, short clips, music videos and "BangtanTv" personal videos.

Most of the music video like "Dope" and "Fire" gained 379 million views added that the BTS Bombs (BangtanTv clips) also has 200 million hits and the latest "Spring Day" Dance Practice garnered another 68 million hits as of today.

Although the BTS members haven't spoken yet about the news, the ARMY are excited to see the milestones that BTS are going to succeed. After the most viewed title, it's obvious that they are now set for more videos to take to entertain the avid fans and also, to make their music known to people all over the world.

According to Soompi, BTS is now part of the prestigious 2017 Billboard Music Awards and on May 1, the supporters and the fans can vote the BTS to stand out amongst other artists like Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Arianna Grande and Shawn Mendez. It will be a voting based to be able to achieve the award so the fans are excited to vote for the one that deserves the title.

It is truly inspiring that the artists have a support coming from the fans and even listeners all over the world for sure the BTS are happy about the status of their career right now, as they move up, they are most thankful for the people behind the success of the videos that they are making.

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