Song Joong Ki Wants To Spend More Time For Romance In His 30s, Relationship With Song Hye Kyo Is Getting More Serious?

Song Joong Ki has been making the headlines for months since his performance with Song Hye Kyo in "Descendants of The Sun" made everyone believes they're in a relationship. While there are several coincidences that hinted the pair is dating, "My Fair Lady" actor recently revealed he wants to step down from acting temporarily to focus on personal life. Could this mean Song Joong Ki will take his relationship with Song Hye Kyo to another level?

On the late April, Song Joong Ki was featured in a cover of W Magazine. The actor looked dashingly cute and gorgeous in the latest photo shoots. According to Soompi, Song Joong Ki also spilled some details on his upcoming project. When asked why he has yet to choose another project after "Battleship Island", the actor simply stated he wants to spend more time for personal life in his 30s, which some fans associated it with his alleged romance with "DOTS" co-star, Song Hye Kyo.

Song Joong Ki's desire to take a break from acting could be another hint that he may want to settle down. On another occasion, the actor admitted he has always seen himself in the future with wife, kids, and his career aligned. Song Hye Kyo might have answered Song Joong Ki's wish with her Instagram post displaying her affections towards kids.

Poor Primadonna even mentioned that the wedding Song Joong Ki has always wanted might actually happen in "DOTS 2". According to the news outlet, Song-Song couple might continue their love story after getting married in the previous installment. Hardcore fans will surely love the idea, yet nothing about the sequel can be confirmed as of yet.

Even though these speculations are not impossible to happen, neither Song Joong Ki nor Song Hye Kyo has yet addressed anything. Until then, fans of Song-Song couple could look forward to watching Song Joong Ki's upcoming film "Battleship Island", which reportedly will air in July.

Song Joong Ki
Song Hye Kyo
Dating rumor

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